Māgha Pūjā is one of the main Buddhist festivals of the year, traditionally celebrated on the full moon day of the month of “Māgha” (the third lunar month according to the traditional Indian lunar calendar.)

On that day, we recollect the spontaneous gathering of 1,250 arahants, and the Buddha’s expounding of the Ovādapātimokkha, a short but powerful Dhamma teaching (see below.)
According to our calendar, it falls this year on Sunday 16 February. To celebrate this auspicious event, we will observe a special schedule on that day:
10:00 – All gather in the dāna sāla (main house)
10.30 – Rice bindabat (alms-round)
11.00 – Meal offering, followed by a communal meal.
12.45 – All gather in the sāla (meditation hall)
13.00 – Meditation following by Dhamma Talk by the Abbot, Ajahn Kongrit (in Thai and English)
14.00 – Blessing and closing the afternoon session.
19.00 – Chanting & meditation (Meditation hall) 20.00 – Circumambulation
20.30 – Chanting the dedication (Iminā) closing the evening session.
All are warmly invited to join.
Please note that the program is subject to change as needed.
The Ovādapātimokkha
Sabba-pāpassa akaraṇaṃ
Avoidance of all evil ways
Commitment to what’s wholly good;
Purification of one’s mind:
Etaṃ buddhāna sāsanaṃ
Just this is what the Buddhas teach.
Khantī paramaṃ tapo tītikkhā
Patience is the cleansing flame;
Nibbānaṃ paramaṃ vadanti buddhā
Nibbāna’s supreme, the Buddhas say.
Na hi pabbajito parūpaghātī
Harming others, you’re no recluse;
Samaṇo hoti paraṃ viheṭhayanto
A trouble-maker’s no samana.
Anūpavādo anūpaghāto
To neither insult nor cause wounds;
Pāṭimokkhe ca saṃvaro
To live restrained by training rules;
Mattaññutā ca bhattasmiṃ
To know what’s enough when taking food;
Pantañca sayan’āsanaṃ
To dwell alone in a quiet place;
Adhicitte ca āyogo
And devotion to the higher mind:
Etaṃ buddhāna sāsanaṃ
Every Buddha teaches this.